
SOLVED upgrade error: illegal package name `systemd/noawait'

ar flag

when I run this sudo apt upgrade command I get this:

Reading package list ... Done
Creating dependency tree
Reading status information ... Done
Calculating the update ... Done
The following packages will be updated:

1 updates, 0 new ones will be installed, 0 to remove and 0 not to update.

39 not fully installed or removed.
0 B / 1,141 kB of files need to be downloaded.
12.3 kB of additional disco space will be used after this operation.
do you wish to continue? [Y / n] yes

dpkg: error: trigger log file mentions a package name
Illegal you `systemd / noawait '(in the file` / usr / lib / systemd / catalog'): name
Illegal packet in value 'systemd / noawait': character `/ 'is not allowed
gone (only letters, digits characters `- + ._ 'are allowed)
E: The / usr / bin / dpkg thread returned an error code (2)

And i can't upgrade :((

Please help. i use ubuntu 20.04

nobody avatar
gh flag
first aid `wget -c` and try to install it with dpkg `sudo dpkg -i systemd_245.4-4ubuntu3.6_amd64.deb` `sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt -f install`
LinkMales avatar
ar flag
So, i run the command ```sudo dpkg -i systemd_245.4-4ubuntu3.6_amd64.deb``` and show this ```dpkg: error: the trigger logs file mentions an illegal package name `systemd / noawait '(in the file` / usr / lib / systemd / catalog'): illegal package name in the value 'systemd / noawait': the character `/ 'is not allowed (only letters, digits characters` - + ._' are allowed)```
nobody avatar
gh flag
Okay `file /usr/lib/systemd/catalog` please.
LinkMales avatar
ar flag
root@ubuntu:/# ```file /usr/lib/systemd/catalog``` (i run the command and show this) ```/usr/lib/systemd/catalog: directory```
LinkMales avatar
ar flag
I do this. I run this ```sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File``` and i delete this ```/usr/lib/ systemd/catalog system/noawait``` and i run ```sudo apt update & sudo apt upgrade``` and show this ```dpkg: error: syntactic error in trigger file /var/lib/dpkg/trigg ers / File '``` avatar
ng flag
@LinkMales Would you share your current contents of `/var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File` file?
LinkMales avatar
ar flag
/usr/lib/mime/packages mime-support/noawait /usr/share/applications mime-support/noawait /etc/dbus-1/system.d dbus/noawait /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d dbus/noawait /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services dbus/noawait /etc/rsyslog.d rsyslog/noawait
LinkMales avatar
ar flag
Is a long list, i don't know how i can send it
LinkMales avatar
ar flag
I fixed the syntax error, it was just an empty space, when removing the space now I have this error ```dpkg: error: duplicate file trigger interest for file `/ usr / li b / gtk-2.0 / 2.10.0 / immodules 'and the package `libgtk2.0-0: i386' E: Sub-process / usr / bin / dpkg returned an error code (2)```
LinkMales avatar
ar flag
I fixed my bug, I just removed /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules libgtk2.0-0:i386/noawait and I was able to request the dpkg already, thank you very much avatar
ng flag
@LinkMales Nice. would you write an answer then set as accepted. So other may find the solution quickly. Btw, you can use if you needed another time to share long txt.
LinkMales avatar
ar flag
I new in askubuntu. What do i that¿? avatar
ng flag
@LinkMales See [about] for quick start. In this page, look at the bottom there is a box for "your answer". Ask Ubuntu is a Q/A site.
ar flag

The solution is in the document /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File, you have to look for this trigger with sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File, then we look for /usr/lib/systemd/catalog system/noawait, then we remove it and we have already resolved the error, if an error appears like this dpkg: error: syntactic error in trigger file /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File '... The error is in an empty space of the document /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/File.


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