
Ubuntu 18.04 Stuck on hardware manufacturer splash screen

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So after choosing Ubuntu (18.04) from GRUB menu. i'm forever stuck on "ASUS in search of incredible" screen and I could not find the solution.

So i would love to have some suggestions. Thank you so much!


ChanganAuto avatar
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Press ESC. Does it show some message or messages? Please post the last lines.
Chuong Nguyen avatar
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Hi @ChanganAuto, thank you so much for replying. I pressed ESC but nothing happens, the symptom is recorded here, please have a look:
ChanganAuto avatar
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OK. When you're at the Grub menu press "E" to edit and then remove "splash" or even "quiet Splash".
Chuong Nguyen avatar
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Thank you, so i removed them and that “ASUS in search of incredible” is gone, but now it stucks on pure purple screen (no Ubuntu loading). If i remove "splash" then “ASUS in search of incredible” screen is still there
Chuong Nguyen avatar
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i tried nomodeset also but it's the same :(
ChanganAuto avatar
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It can be anything really so I'm not sure what to suggest. Anyway, if it has Nvidia graphics Secure Boot should be disabled. Also disable Fast Boot.
Chuong Nguyen avatar
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i will try, thank you so much sir, have a nice day :)

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