
Is there a difference between Ubuntu 18.04.5 and Ubuntu 18.04?

fr flag

I need Ubuntu 18.04 to install ROS Melodic on it, but the ISO file i found for 18.04 has been giving me so many problems (no wifi adapter detected so I can't sudo apt update, no exfat detected so i can't update through an ISO copy on the system so I gave up on that), that I'm thinking of trying 18.04.5 but I can't find anywhere if ROS Melodic will run on it. So maybe the differences between both versions only come down to bug fixes?

Apologies if it is a very basic question! I am very new to Ubuntu. Thank you for your time!

sudodus avatar
jp flag
The point versions 18.04.2 ... 18.04.5 have new linux kernel series with new hardware drivers and other features. So there are more than security updates. 18.04.5 may or may not work with your application program. You have to test if it works.
patatauser avatar
fr flag
@sudodus could you briefly explain to me what new kernel series are? is it a different set of commands on bash?
sudodus avatar
jp flag
The linux kernel series of 18.04 (and 18.04.1) is 4.15. It is now at 4.15.0-144 (where minor updates are shown in the last number (now 144). Ubuntu 18.04.5 uses the kernel series 5.4. These numbers are shown in the names of the program packages of the linux kernel. See also [this link]( and scroll down to near the middle of the page. Find the kernel kernel series that is used in a running Ubuntu system via the command `uname -a`
guiverc avatar
cn flag

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