
Kernel Error When I Start Dell Computer

cn flag

When I turn on my dell computer I get an option for Ubuntu. I click it. (I am currently running Ubuntu 21.04.) Anyways, I click the option for Ubuntu but then I get a list of stuff but the first line is [ 0.334034] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount roof fs on unknown-block(0,0)

It stays on that screen and I can’t get to Ubuntu!

I would show a picture but it says the image is too large.

Also, I have very important files that I made using LibreOffice so reinstalling Ubuntu would just mean all my important files are gone. Please help!

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
You should have backups of anything you can't afford to loose. Have them and then reinstalling or replacing drives won't be a problem. The error message complains about not being able to mount the **root** file system so it can be anything from a easily correctable logical errors or a total drive failure.
nobody avatar
gh flag
can you try to boot a previous kernel under advanced options?

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