
Uninstall IntelliJ idea from Ubuntu

dz flag

I have deleted all files of IntelliJ-idea community edition from my laptop, and when I search on terminal for delete, it shows not installed, but on my laptop it is available, help me to delete the IntelliJ idea completely.

Ubuntu menu

How can I remove the IntelliJ-idea from here?

privacy policy

I have deleted all files of Jetbrains then Why I am getting this page i.e. Jetbrains privacy policy.

Terrance avatar
id flag
Not sure exactly which one you installed, but there are 3 snap versions. `sudo snap remove intellij-idea-community` or `sudo snap remove intellij-idea-ultimate` or `sudo snap remove intellij-idea-educational`
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
IntelliJ idea community edition it is**
Terrance avatar
id flag
You might have to install it again, `sudo snap install intellij-idea-community --classic` and then remove it `sudo snap remove intellij-idea-community` to get rid of the icon.
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
I have deleted that desktop image. 2nd issue, please see my post again
in flag

You can remove it with the following command:

sudo snap remove intellij-idea-community
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
Thanks @Sibi Saravanan , I have tried this, it says, IntelliJ idea not installed but see the image attached in my post, intelliJ idea is still there
Sibi Saravanan avatar
in flag
Try running this command `sudo apt-get autoremove`, this will clear out junk files of uninstalled apps completely. If again the icon doesn't clear, Then go to `/usr/share/applications` and delete the file of **intellij** that ends with **.desktop**
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
I am unable to delete "jetbrains-idea.desktop" this file, can you help me with this too
Sibi Saravanan avatar
in flag
Try `sudo rm -rf jetbrains-idea.desktop` If not can you specify what error you are getting while trying to delete?
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
Yes, it's done. Thank you so much
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
hey, one more problem is there, I have deleted this, then I tried to open it using "idea ." it open again with its agreement page. I am sharing the snapshot in my post
Sibi Saravanan avatar
in flag
Ok, Try checking these following locations and remove jetbrains related files if any. `~/.config/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2020.3` `~/.local/share/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2020.3` `~/.cache/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2020.3` `~/.java/.userPrefs/jetBrains`
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
it is saying, NO such directory or file
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
I deleted those files, but when I run "idea ." in my terminal, those files get generated again automatically
Sibi Saravanan avatar
in flag
Ok. Lets try removing PPA entry if any. Type `apt policy` and see if any entry related to jetbrains. note down the repo name and `sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:PPA_REPOSITORY_NAME/PPA` , for example `sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:mmk2410/intellij-idea-community`
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
There is nothing related to JetBrains
Sibi Saravanan avatar
in flag
Try `umake -r ide idea` and `umake -r ide idea-ultimate`
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
I have tried this, it is giving an error : ERROR: You can't remove Idea as it isn't installed
Sibi Saravanan avatar
in flag
So I guess there is no issue with idea anymore. I think its showing up from cache or something. So you may better ignore it and move forward.
Ruchika avatar
dz flag
okay, thank you

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