
Visual artifacts in x2go XFCE4 sessions after upgrade from 20.04 to 21.04

sh flag


I've been using x2go XFCE4 sessions on a box for ages with no problems but after an upgrade to 21.04 (from 20.04) I'm now getting strange visual artifacts: black boxes around windows, ghosting, etc. (See screenshot below.)

If I login to the box regularly -- meaning not via x2go -- everything is fine.

Anybody have any ideas as to what might be happening?


heynnema avatar
ru flag
Have you installed a custom theme and/or font pack? If required, have you updated your video drivers? Have you checked for x2go updates?
nrvale0 avatar
sh flag
I wondered if I had an old theme loaded so I rm -rf'ed ~/.config/xfce4 and re-logged in and then set the theme anew. Same result. The x2go I'm running is the latest that came with Ubuntu 21.04.
heynnema avatar
ru flag
X2Go doesn't come with Ubuntu. Are you running Ubuntu, or some other derivative... like Mint or Pop or etc?
heynnema avatar
ru flag
Is X2Go version
nrvale0 avatar
sh flag
On my installs x2goserver is in universe.
nrvale0 avatar
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FWIW, the OS running x2goserver was running in a VM. I justu rebuilt the VM falling back to focal64 and things are working again. I guess the high-level take-away for anyone else finding this Q may be that the x2goserver on 21.04 may have some problems or perhaps its the combination of x2go client on 20.10 plus x2go on 21.04.
heynnema avatar
ru flag
I wonder if it's a Wayland problem. Wayland is the default on Ubuntu 21.04, and optional on prior versions.
ru flag

I had the same problem after upgrading to XUbuntu 21.04.

To fix the issue I disabled "Display compositing" by going to Settings > Window Manager Tweaks > Compositor.

I think it's related to Wayland as mentioned by @heynnema

us flag
Does the problem go away if you log out and log in with X.Org? You don't necessarily have to use Wayland, after all.
nrvale0 avatar
sh flag
Interestingly enough, after a couple of weeks, I re-upgraded the VM to latest dev release and things are now working as expected without having to tweak the compositor setting. Which is good because within XFCE4 the above Settings > ... is not present.
nrvale0 avatar
sh flag
FWIW, after another couple of weeks the problems did return and turning off compositing (as above) fixed the problem.

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