
Desktop stuck in alt-tab mode

id flag

I don't know how I managed to do this but my desktop is stuck in the alt-tab application selector mode. Clicking on an application does nothing, it stays on the zoomed out view.

Any tips on how I can escape this?

Things I have tried so far.

  • Restarting computer, works initially then goes back to zoomed out mode when changing apps.

  • Restarting lightdm.

  • Using super+w and other common keyboard shortcuts.



Seems to be a glitch with the mouse input, after rebooting a few times it seems to be back to normal.


sudodus avatar
jp flag
Which version of Ubuntu is it? Is it up to date (updated & upgraded)? What happens when you click on the controls at the top right corner of the windows (iconize, fullscreen, and quit)?
id flag
It's the latest version 21.04, all software is up to date except the kernel package as I have a custom kernel. I don't seem to have those options in the top right. In my top right I have device related settings, bluetooth, wifi, power, brightness etc..
sudodus avatar
jp flag
1. OK, but I mean in each of the windows on the screen. Are there any controls there? 2. Which desktop environment is it (Ubuntu standard is Gnome)?
id flag
Yes it's gnome. There's no options on the individual windows, they just get a grey border around them when you hover over them, clicking on them does nothing
sudodus avatar
jp flag
The alt-tab pop-up is different in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I will check with a live Ubuntu 21.04 system and come back to you.
id flag
I have just rebooted again and I get a different application switcher when pressing alt-tab. This one seems to be working ok, so strange.
sudodus avatar
jp flag
OK, maybe it was a temporary error. Please come back it it happens again.
id flag
Thanks for your help. I think it was actually some form of glitch with the mouse input. When I press SUPER + A now it takes me back to the screen I was originally stuck on but this time when I click on a window it opens that window.
vanadium avatar
cn flag
It is a bug which I confirm, and you will see it back now and then. Was it an upgraded system or a fresh install? Mine is upgraded.
vanadium avatar
cn flag
@sudodus OP most likely does not intended to refer to the Alt+Tab window, but to the application overview (as also appears from the screen shot). Saw this issue myself on a system upgraded from 18.10 to 19.04.
sudodus avatar
jp flag
@vanadium, Yes, I understand now. (I could not resist testing it in a Ubuntu 21.04 system, and saw it - but it was not locked for me but responded to mouse clicks or touchpad clicks).
pierrely avatar
cn flag
stuck power(windose) key? probably not as clicking on an app would select it. but try different keyboard, disable laptop keyboard and use another usb keyboard?
in flag

I faced the same issue, but reading this question gave me a hint about issue with keyboard layout.

Here how I fix the issue for me:

  1. Open Settings-> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Switch Windows of an Application. Keyboard shortcut - Switch windows of an application
  2. Double click on the option and press BACKSPACE key
  3. Press SET(SAVE).

All done. Now you can use Super key for switching windows.

us flag

This issue occurred to me when i set an keyboard shortcut to launch File Explore. Once i removed that shortcut, the issue was gone. i'm not sure if there is any co-relation.


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