
How do I create a script file for terminal commands that require sudo permissions

jp flag

my system keeps killing my wifi connection and I am having to use the terminal to restart it using the following comand

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

how would i write a script for this that I could place in my favorites bar

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Seems like a workaround. The problem may be permanently fixable. Of course, it may not be, too.
it flag

I've written a bash script to help with this: It watches the connection, and when the connection drops, does a user-specified thing to try to reconnect.

Look at the logs! sudo journalctl -b 0 -u NetworkManager. Read man journalctl.

Joshua Flynn avatar
jp flag
I see your code there but fil to see where to and how to modify it for my system
waltinator avatar
it flag
The `net-o-matic.conf` file shows examples.

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