
Motherboard problem: GRUB Rescue mode

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I changed the hard drive with a new one already with Ubuntu inside (i'm sure of It).

I tried everything on the BIOS settings bun in any case It shows me the "GRUB, entering Rescue mode" screen.

I tried everything also for this problem, but I cannot find out what Is going on.

So, my question is, if I change the motherboard (the current Is 7 years old) can i Solve this problem?

ChanganAuto avatar
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UEFI or BIOS? The current motherboard should have UEFI already. In what mode was installed the transplanted HDD? You need to match the mode, for starters, and if a BIOS/MBR installation may not have the bootloader if cloned from another (partitions only). In that case Boot Repair can help. If installed in UEFI mode then even when cloned drive-to-drive it has everything necessary. Again, check the UEFI/BIOS settings.

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