
Software for Ubuntu with 3018 laser

au flag

I hope you do ''t mind me asking as it is a bit a shot into the dark.... Is anyone aware of software running on Ubuntu which could drive a laser module on a prover 3018 CNC machine. I use Candle for milling, which works well. Laser Grbl is the recommended software for laser, but this isn't available for Unix. Thanks

waltinator avatar
it flag
Which release? What does `lsusb` show? `sudo lshw` , `sudo journalctl -b 0`, and page through to see how your system starts, and detects your device.
waltinator avatar
it flag
Their website claims "Linux support", "based on the open source Grbl ...". What more do you need?
Herbie avatar
au flag
Thank you @waltinator. if you mention "Their website"is that Laser Grbl? Anyway, I worked around to create a conversion programme for code generated by InkScape (.gcode or .ngc) into a .nc file. Even GRBL is not everywhere the same.. It solves my problem for now. So many thanks for your response!
au flag

waltinator, thank you for your response. If you say "Their website" is that lasergrbl? Anyway I worked around to take inkscape and created a conversion macro to convert a.gcode file or an .ngc file into an (simplere) .nc file. So far it seems to work.

Again. Thank you for your answer.



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