
Can't kill defunct process or its parent. It never goes away

es flag

I have a defunct process that just simply won't go away, no matter what kill command I run. I have referred to What is a <defunct> process, and why doesn't it get killed? and several other articles as well, but this just simply doesn't work.

For example:

└─# ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v grep | cut -b8-20 | xargs kill -9

└─# ps aux | grep -i 13899
root     13899  6.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    11:49   0:16 [my-service] <defunct>
root     15987  0.0  0.0   5200   720 pts/6    S+   11:53   0:00 grep --color=auto -i 13899


As a result, I'm unable to restart the service obfuscated as my-service because it claims it's already running. How do I resolve this? I'm running this in a docker image so, unfortunately, I can't just "reboot" the docker image because my access to the host has expired and will require me to run through several hours of processes to get re-established to the host.


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