
Eclipse: debug_with_cross gcc builds x86 instead of arm

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I don't know what you have to set and how exactly for this to work reliably in principle. I want to compile Target for both my Linux host and my Raspberry Pi. For the Raspberry Pi cross compiling accordingly. Accordingly, I have created a C project and selected both. I use the arm-linux-gnueabihf compiler. For Run and Debug Configurations I have set up that I run the programme on my Linux host and then on the Raspberry Pi target via SSH. When I build or run the project, it always happens that an x86 executable is created in the Debug_with_Cross GCC folder. This happens even though I have set Debug_with_Cross GCC as active. Accordingly, the code cannot be executed on the Raspberry Pi. Partially it worked, but again and again it doesn't work. What is the reason for this? It annoys me. One workaround is to recreate the project, but at some point the programme gets confused again and again. Manage Configuration for this Project is also set to Debug_with_Cross GCC. This annoys the hell out of me. I end up with the same executable in Debug_with_Cross GCC and Debug_with_Linux GCC and that doesn't help me at all.

Thanks in Advance

I know how to fix this error. I have to go to --> Properties --> C/C++ Build --> Settings --> Cross Settings and add arm-linux-gnueabihf- as Prefix. But why does it disappear randomly?

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You've provided no OS & release details (for either system).

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