
How to write a shell script for printing the PID and The owner and the Name of the Process using the Special Variable $$ as parameter for the skript

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The script shall present the command pstree -hsup $$. I have tried many different ways but I couldn't find a way to print the output like this

28348 (bash,root)
28347 (su,root)
28346 (sudo,root)
14085 (bash,user)
14083 (lxterminal,user)
    1 (Systemd,root)
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Something like ``pstree -hsupA $$ | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/-[+-]-\| *[`|]-/\n/g'``? How should the output be sorted?
Flowless Man avatar
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it should be sorted from the newest process to the oldest including the name of the owner and in the shell script i can't use the pstree command , i just want to printout the process from the current shell like (./ $$) it should print the processes and the PID and the the owner in this way PID (NAME,OWNER)
tm flag

ps -o ppid will output the pid of the parent process. So, start with the current pid, and ask for the parent, then for its parent, and so on.

#! /bin/bash
while ((pid)) ; do
    ps -h -o 'pid,comm,euser' $pid \
        | sed -E 's/^( *[0-9]+ )([^ ]+) *([^ ]+)/\1(\2,\3)/'
    pid=$(ps -h -o ppid $pid)

You want to output pid, the command, and the effective user (or maybe real user?). Specify them in the -o and use sed to reformat the output. Here, we capture the three non-space strings and insert parentheses and a comma where needed.


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