
update-initramfs very slow

jp flag

I used to just happily sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade often; however, just today, I updated and found the update was hanging for a long time at updating the kernel, specifically at update-initramfs.

The slowdown has been dramatic. It used to take a minute at most to install. Now it can take upwards of an hour or longer. What could be causing this?

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Which CPU do you use?
Emmy Chow avatar
jp flag
8th gen Intel Core i7-8550U. I decided to load an old backup and that seems to have fixed the problem. Odd.
pk flag

I had this problem, and booting was also very slow (on an older machine). It had to do with compression and the method having changed from gzip to bz.

I eliminated compression altogether by using COMPRESS="cat" in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf and now both building and booting are super fast. (The file name and directory can vary by distro and distro version.)

This fills up more of my /boot directory but it wasn't close to capacity in any case.


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