
How to find and kill specific Monitoring AGENT running on system?

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I have an agent installed on my computer which works with python. I think it starts with startup but I could not find any program on startup so I decided to check running processes for python and to my surprise, there was the agent keep_alive()

(base) admin1@shady-pc:~$ ps -fA | grep python
root      6533     1  0 10:27 ?        00:00:01 python /opt/SapphireIMSAgent/SapphireIMS.pyc keep_alive

So if it is keep_alive, it must be listening to a port so I checked the ports and found

sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
[sudo] password for admin1: 
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      6533/python         

Killing the process 6533 kills the process for some time only and it starts again. I checked the hidden startup processes but could not find anything. Also, I looked at the system monitor and there was no process 6533.

Obviously it must be running in the background so How can I find and Kill the origin of this agent after each startup?


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