so recently i tried installing focal fossa on my chromebook with GNOME. (i did it because what do you expect xenial is dead. so yeah.
it did not install right the first time but my next try worked...
when i entered GNOME with sudo startgnome
it entered gnome but all it was was a old ubuntu cursor for a bit and later on out off no where it crashed... i almost gave up saying it was just not gonna work but i managed to get XFCE working on focal but i did not get sound working. the code i used was sudo crouton -t xfce -r bionic
. over all the OS was working fine. i checked other distros and they had the same sound issue. and issue with GNOME. i used kali rolling and it actually logged into gnome. but, barely because i got a crash on my end and had to control w out off the screen to return to chrome OS. (i did try using audio
when installing buster but it did not want to work. too. (i think i need extra stuff to add to the install??) but anyways besides the audio i think this is an issue with 2D graphics or the x server (i tried xorg and xiwi) but i dont even get to the chroot at all...
im not sure if this is an issue with crouton, xorg, GNOME, or anything else listed. but if i did not include something in the install that MIGHT get GNOME working, please tell me as it will really help.