
Rsync directory error

om flag

I wanted to copy files that are made 15 and more days ago. Here is the code im currently using

rsync -RDa0P \
    --files-from=<(find /vmail/folder1/ -mtime +15 -print0) \
    . [email protected]:/vmail/folder1/

The find part did show all the files:


but when the code above is issued, it gives an error failed: No such file or directory (2). And the directory was changed, root was added :

rsync: link_stat "/root/vmail/folder1/folder11/cur/ failed: No such file or directory (2)"

Am i missing something? Any help is appreciated!

cn flag

You should pipe your file list:

find /vmail/folder1 -mtime +15 -printf '%P\0' | \
rsync -vRDa0P --files-from=- /vmail/folder1 [email protected]:/vmail/folder1
bac0n avatar
cn flag
Remember to take the rounding effect into account, meaning, any fractional part is ignored, so to match `-mtime +1`, a file has to have been modified at least two days ago.
user13539846 avatar
om flag
Okay this is great! Also fixed the problem I encountered after I troubleshoot my command above. Thanks!

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