
Error in running Analysis Code

eg flag

in trying to run an Analysis code for which i have this Makefile

SHELL = /bin/sh

pythialib= /home/anwarzada/Packages/Pythia8244/pythia/lib
hepmclib = /home/anwarzada/Packages/HepMC-2.06.09/HepMC/lib 
tauolalib= /home/anwarzada/Packages/TAUOLA/lib/ 
lhapdflib= /home/anwarzada/Packages/LHAPDF-6.2.3/LHAPDF/lib/
lhapdfinc= /home/anwarzada/Packages/LHAPDF-6.2.3/LHAPDF/include
hepmcinc = /home/anwarzada/Packages/HepMC-2.06.09/HepMC/include 
tauolainc= /home/anwarzada/Packages/TAUOLA/include
pythiainc= /home/anwarzada/Packages/Pythia8244/pythia/include/
rootinc=   /home/anwarzada/Packages/root-6.20.02/myroot/include
rootlib=   /home/anwarzada/Packages/root-6.20.02/myroot/lib
fastjetlib= /home/anwarzada/Packages/fastjet-3.3.3/FASTJET/lib/
fastjetinc= /home/anwarzada/Packages/fastjet-3.3.3/FASTJET/include
CXXFLAGS = -O2 -ansi -pedantic -fbounds-check

all :
    @echo "Using makefile ..., please enter the code name to compile"   

WriteHepMC :
#   gfortran  -I$(hepmcinc) -I$(pythiainc) -o [email protected] -L$(pythialib) -L$(hepmclib) -L$(tauolalib) -L$(lhapdflib) -lpythia8 -lLHAPDF -lhepmcinterface  -lHepMC -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran 
    g++ -I$(pythiainc) -I$(tauolainc) -o [email protected] -L$(pythialib) -L$(hepmclib) -L$(tauolalib) -L$(lhapdflib) `root-config --cflags --glibs` `fastjet-config --cxxflags --plugins` `fastjet-config --libs --plugins` -lpythia8 -lLHAPDF -lhepmcinterface  -lHepMC -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran 

Analysishadbkg   :
    g++ -I$(pythiainc) -I$(tauolainc) -o [email protected] -L$(pythialib) -L$(hepmclib) -L$(tauolalib) -L$(lhapdflib) `root-config --cflags --glibs` `fastjet-config --cxxflags --plugins` `fastjet-config --libs --plugins` -lpythia8 -lLHAPDF -lhepmcinterface  -lHepMC -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran
Analysis   :
    g++ -g -I$(pythiainc) -I$(tauolainc) -I$(hepmcinc) -I$(lhapdfinc) -o [email protected] -L$(tauolalib) -L$(pythialib) -L$(hepmclib) -L$(lhapdflib) `root-config --cflags --glibs` `fastjet-config --cxxflags --plugins` `fastjet-config --libs --plugins` -L$(HEPMC2_LIB) -Wl,-rpath,$(HEPMC2_LIB) -lHepMC -ldl -lpythia8 -lLHAPDF -lTauolaCxxInterface -lTauolaFortran

which the command make Analysis i got this error

enter image description here


ubuntu = 20.04.2
ROOT = 20.06.02
fastjet = 3.3.3

Thanks in Advance

hr flag
Where did you get the Makefile from? I suspect that the order of libraries is incorrect - in particular, `-ldl` needs to go to the right of `-lpythia8` (objects are resolved left to right)
user15138349 avatar
eg flag
thanks it works

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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.