
sudo mkdir -p parent/child | Permission Denied

th flag

This seems like such a Day 0 problem. I need to create a 2-level folder structure.

I tried:

sudo mkdir parent/child
>>> mkdir: cannot create directory ‘parent/child’: No such file or directory
sudo mkdir -p parent/child
>>> mkdir: cannot create directory ‘parent’: Permission denied
in flag
Can I understand the objective? You want to make a directory called “parent” (for example), then create a directory inside “parent” called “child” (for example). Is this correct? Or do you want to make a directory that has a slash in its name?
StressedBoi69420 avatar
th flag
2 folders, one inside the other
Soren A avatar
mx flag
In what directory are you trying to create parent/child ?
hr flag
... I wonder if it's on a NFS mount with `root_squash` or similar?
in flag

Most file systems do not work in a fashion similar to S3 block storage, making the automatic generation of what appears to be a fully-qualified path an automagical process. Generally, to do what you are attempting to do, a person would perform these actions:

mkdir parent
mkdir parent/child

However, if you insist on doing this as a one-liner, you can try this:

mkdir -p ~/{parent/{child}}

What’s nice about this is that you can create multiple directories pretty much simultaneously:

mkdir -p ~/{parent/{child1,child2,child3},uncle,aunt,Morty}

This will give you lots of directories all at once, so long as you remember -p and the curly brackets

terdon avatar
cn flag
There is no reason I can think of on a regular Linux file system why `mkdir -p foo/bar` would not work. That's the entire point of the GNU `-p` option to `mkdir`. More importantly, if `mkdir -p ~/{parent/{child}}` works, then so does `mkdir -p ~/parent/child` the braces aren't doing anything useful here. In fact, they are breaking things: your command will create a directory called `~/{parent` and a subdirectory in that named `{child}}`. Try it. Brace expansion only works with commas.

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