
Sorry,there was a problem completing the installaion

ie flag

I am installing ubuntu server on VM (in Ubuntu). However, I tried Virt-Manager and VMbox both show same error I have tried some solutions on the internet they did not work for me.

Please, help if you can

I have spent 2-3 days on this.

enter image description here

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Does this answer your question? [How to download the first 20.04 .iso]( - try to use Netboot mini.iso instead.
ru flag
Without seeing the 'full report' it's impossible to determine why installation fails. Just as an FYI, it'd be great to see a screenshot of the last bunch of lines on the full report to see where in the process it fails.
sg flag

also spent all the morning but figured why its so out.


you need to set its memory to greater than default

in VB manager do so:

new, setname , next, memory size 4096, remainings are as default


settings, storage, empty, check on 'live cd/dvd`' click on disk icon pickup iso you got from ubuntu site ok


in VB manager go to network before 'start' go to

settings->network->adapter1->notattached then start, defaults - exactly what it suggests


it should opt for you reboot , but before that go to VB manager again and enable

network, setting its adapter1 to nat

reboot server

And you are done my friend.

Have installed Ubuntu 20 and 21 this way

vu flag

I just had this error while installing a new Ubuntu server on Windows hyper-v. All I had to do was uncheck "Set up this disk as an LVM group" when the installer asks about storage. Maybe this helps someone.


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