just then I was performing another new Ubuntu 21.04 installation, and today (not this error few weeks ago) I get install gnome-tweaks and cannot be possible, because it say that I have the unmet dependencies. If I try to install it by terminal, it comes out the following error in my language (I translated below):
I seguenti pacchetti hanno dipendenze non soddisfatte:
gnome-shell-extension-prefs :
Dipende: gnome-shell (= 3.38.4-1ubuntu3~21.04.1) ma la versione 3.38.4-1ubuntu2 sta per essere installata
Dipende: gnome-shell-common (= 3.38.4-1ubuntu3~21.04.1) ma la versione 3.38.4-1ubuntu2 sta per essere installata
E: Impossibile correggere i problemi, ci sono pacchetti danneggiati bloccati.
I try to translate in English, as below:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
Depends: gnome-shell (= 3.38.4-1ubuntu3 ~ 21.04.1) but version 3.38.4-1ubuntu2 is about to be installed
Depends: gnome-shell-common (= 3.38.4-1ubuntu3 ~ 21.04.1) but version 3.38.4-1ubuntu2 is about to be installed
E: Unable to fix problems, there are bad packages blocked.
So, seems that gnome-shell
and gnome-shell-common
have got a lib version 3 3.38.4-1ubuntu3
but gnome-tweaks
it's based on the following lib version 2 3.38.4-1ubuntu2
Anyone knows how to fix or what is going on here?