
Move Date from Center to Right on GNOME top bar

ru flag

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.

I need to move "notification day and time" to right side corner. Right now it is located at middle of the screen.

I'm unable to install Gnome tweak tool. Can anyone help to move notification other than installing gnome tweak tool idea?

enter image description here

Nmath avatar
ng flag
The GNOME desktop environment is not really designed to prioritize extensive customization of the UI elements, which is why additional software like "tweaks" are needed to add a few additional customization options. The GNOME devs prioritize consistency and ease-of-use above user customization. If you want/need to relocate elements of the UI, you might consider using a different desktop environment like KDE (Kubuntu) or Xfce (Xubuntu). You can boot these flavors from a live session to test them out without having to install anything.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
The short version of the above comment is "No".
Raffles avatar
in flag
Have you considered installing Cinnamon?
sivasdpi avatar
ru flag
This os version is much comfortable for my work. So can't change
br flag
@sivasdpi gnome-tweaks can't help for your requirement. gnome extensions can help in achieving close to your requirement. Are extensions Ok for you?
sivasdpi avatar
ru flag
Yes pls. Suggest how to do using extensions @unknown
br flag search for "dash to dock" and "dash to panel" I think 18.04 gnome-shell version is 3.36 so select this version and down load zip files. Then I will give commands to install extension.
br flag
Once zip files are downloaded.. follow the steps from here..
br flag
From above link, Commands 4 and 6 needs variables based on your preferred extension. Dash to Panel. Or Dash to Dock.
br flag
are you looking for something like this??
sivasdpi avatar
ru flag
You are correct , @unknown. Like that i need. Can u pls do this all for me via screen sharing ? Will fix time, day to do. Pls give ur email id .
br flag
Hi Just one single line command is required in terminal. Do you want like 1st image or 2nd Image?
sivasdpi avatar
ru flag
Like 1st screen and 12 hrs clock time format
br flag
The time format will be as per your screen shot. I will write command in Answer. In few minutes.
br flag

To move to the Right side run the below command.

gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /org/gnome/Shell --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval string:'Main.panel._centerBox.remove_child(Main.panel.statusArea.dateMenu.container); Main.panel._rightBox.insert_child_at_index(Main.panel.statusArea.dateMenu.container, 0);'

To make it to normal, run the below command.

gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /org/gnome/Shell --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval string:'Main.panel._rightBox.remove_child(Main.panel.statusArea.dateMenu.container); Main.panel._centerBox.add_child(Main.panel.statusArea.dateMenu.container);'

You need to add the first command to startup applications list for persistence. Otherwise after every logout and login, you need to run the first command.

enter image description here

sivasdpi avatar
ru flag
do just above two commands sufficient or do I need to install extensions which u had said earlier ?
br flag
No need extensions
sivasdpi avatar
ru flag
I had attached above error. It's better we can do screen sharing and rectify it. Pls send your email address.
sivasdpi avatar
ru flag
First command worked. But after logged out again notification came to center. How to add the first command to startup applications list for persistence?
br flag
mathtick avatar
in flag
Are chrome notifications some how different? This is definitely not working on 21.10.
mathtick avatar
in flag
@UnKNOWn which gnome extension and how to activate? Just tried panel osd and no good so far ... can't even find it once installed.
mathtick avatar
in flag
@UnKNOWn ah got it now ... SUPER unintuitive. You go to this site and "ON" to install. THEN CRITICALLY YOU NEED TO RELOAD THE SITE! Then you get a settings option there next to the install buttons. There you change things. I don't understand how this works from a site. Seem crazy. Will this work offline?

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