
Tensorflow install not working (Core dumped)

in flag

I've installed tensorflow in ubuntu20.04 LTS, but it has failed.

I'm using a Virtualenv for python3.9, so I use pip command and not pip3

First I upgraded pip, and then I installed tensorflow

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install tensorflow

Then if I open python3.9 and run

import tensorflow as tf

the error I get is

>>> Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Any ideas?

Karlom avatar
de flag
Are you sure that you have installed tensorflow in the virtualenv? Have you activated your virtualenv before running `import tensorflow as tf`?
Unnamed avatar
in flag
Yes, I activated the virtualenv. If I don't, the error I get is "no module named tensorflow". I'm getting the 'core dumped' error
Karlom avatar
de flag
This might help:
Unnamed avatar
in flag
That did not work for me, I tried «pip install tensorflow==1.5» and it gave me the error «ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow==1.5 (from versions: 2.5.0rc0, 2.5.0rc1, 2.5.0rc2, 2.5.0rc3, 2.5.0) ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow==1.5»

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