
apt-get holds back upgrading from 20.04.1 to 20.04.2

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On a Ubuntu server

sudo apt-get upgrade holds some packages (7) back from upgrading, so the system remains a 20.04.1.

With sudo apt upgrade all packages are installed and the system is now a 20.04.2.

Could you explain this behaior to me?

One problem is that with 20.04.2 I loose the abillity to scroll-up/down in the tty, which was different on the older kernel.

So the second question is how to get tty scrolling back (Shift PageUp/Down) within 20.04.2?

Thx a lot for any helpful advise!

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The issue is a subtle one. sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo apt upgrade differ slightly in semantics. The plain 'apt' is designed to be human-friendly, and so it takes some actions not explicitly instructed to it: the notable one here is that it will install new packages. apt-get upgrade doesn't: it will only upgrade packages that are already installed. The equivalent for scripts would be apt-get safe-upgrade.

In other words, packages that are held back by sudo apt-get upgrade but not by sudo apt upgrade probably added new dependencies, which must be installed.

As for the scrollback problem, user535733 is incorrect: it is a kernel change. More details can be found in this LWN article's comment section: in short, the ability to scroll back in a console is a mess for the kernel, and it was removed due to a perceived lack of need. Without interested maintainers, kernel features tend to be removed: if you need it, I would suggest tweaking the login shell to one that supports scrollback, or else being willing to commit time and/or money to reintroducing the feature.

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Good spot on the scrollback. The comment you refer to has been removed.
Calum McConnell avatar
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user535733: I only spotted it because I was pissed when I was no longer able to use it.
onemorequestion avatar
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Staying with the 20.04.1 kernel version is another option if this feature is needed with all the drawbacks of older kernels. Do you use a login shell which can scrollback? Which? I tried tmux and screen the first time. But they have other problems. Normal history scrollback is not able out of the box. THX.

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