
Bluetooth headset connect does the inverse

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i have a Sony WH1000-XM2 bluetooth headset. In the past i only had the issue that a reconnect was not possible, so each time i had to do pairing again and then it worked. Now today it suddenly stopped working. Then after trying some fixes bluetooth wouldn't turn on again. Now i followed several other guidelines:

Now Bluetooth turns on normally but when i connect to my Headphone it first 0.1s shows "Connected" but instantly i get the voice alarm "Disconnected" and it turns off again. Clicking connect performs a disconnect as i only get the voice alarm "Disconnected" instead of "Connected" like it was back when it worked.

Does anyone have any solution? Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 Dual Boot with: Windows 10 Headphones: Sony WH-1000XM2



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