
What is this Icon Network Connection?

cn flag

This Icon Appear In My Pc (Ubuntu 20.04) And Now My Wifi Connection Doesn't Work,Someone Know How Fix it?

br flag
Its LAN Connection
cn flag
why is this tagged 20.10 when you use 20.04?
NewYeezus avatar
cn flag
Cause i was about to install an update but i was whithout connection
heynnema avatar
ru flag
You have an ethernet cable plugged in, and Ubuntu has decided that it's a better connection than your wireless connection. If you want to stick with wireless, just unplug the cable.
NewYeezus avatar
cn flag
Bruh there is any cable just usb keyboard and mouse am very upset i did all tutorials
heynnema avatar
ru flag
Reboot the computer.
us flag
  1. This icon means that your route settings preffer the ethernet connection on other connections.
    • If there is no ethernet cable connected to your computer and you computer still trying to use that connection check those options:
    • static ethernet connection is set up, check it by clicking on ethernet icon->"edit connections"->if there is ethernet static connection delete him.
    • now reboot your computer and check if wifi is working.
    • if it is not working try step 2.
  2. Execute the command ifconfig and look for your eth connection, it should be named as eth0 or enp0s3.
  3. Now execute the command route -n.
    • now look for your ethernet connection name under Use Iface.
    • check for your ethernet connection metric numeric value.
    • The interface with lower metric is preferred for Internet.
  4. If the ethernet connection have the lowest metric value you can change it with ifmetric command.
    • install the ifmetric with sudo apt update and sudo apt install ifmetric.
    • execute the command ifmetric ethInterfaceName numericValue
    • for example ifmetric eth0 1000
    • or just give a better priority to your wifi interface
    • for example ifmetric wlan0 0.
  5. If that is working you can reboot the computer to check that is stable.
    • if it is not stable you can use crontab -e to run this command as a scheduled task.

if this solution not working please specify your problem by posting the commands output as and edit to your question so i could help you solve the problem.


Mayou36 avatar
td flag
Actually, my connection in ipconfig called "enp0s..." doesn't show up in route -n
ug flag

In my case, my laptop got shut down while I was connected to VPN and after starting it again I was not able to connect to the internet and this LAN sign would appear when I switched on Airplane mode.

I just connected to the VPN from the VPN's UI and disconnected again. This solved my issues.

"VPN's UI" was the important part here as I had already connected a lot of times from the top right VPN option but that didn't change anything


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