I have installed the drivers for a scanner, but Ubuntu complained that there were missing packages and to solve this problem I used to command
sudo apt --fix-broken install
but now Ubuntu wants to remove some packages I need like dropbox and chrome:
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
git-man liberror-perl libtokyocabinet9 regina-normal-doc
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following additional packages will be installed:
libhogweed5 libnettle7 libnss-systemd libpam-systemd libsmbclient
libsystemd0 libudev1 libwbclient0 samba-libs systemd systemd-sysv
systemd-timesyncd udev
Suggested packages:
The following packages will be REMOVED:
brscan-skey cupswrappermfc7360n:i386 forticlient-sslvpn git
google-chrome-stable libc6-dbg nautilus-dropbox regina-normal skypeforlinux
The following packages will be upgraded:
libhogweed5 libnettle7 libnss-systemd libpam-systemd libsmbclient
libsystemd0 libudev1 libwbclient0 samba-libs systemd systemd-sysv
systemd-timesyncd udev
13 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 9 to remove and 35 not upgraded.
How do I fix the broken install without removing the packages I need?
EDIT I use version 20.04 LTS.
The drivers I have installed are for the scanner and printer MFC-7360N. The instruction I followed came from the official site of the Brother company: here.