
run bash command inside a cron job in ubuntu

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I have a server running Ubuntu and I would like to create a cron job that runs every hour, the detail is that I want this cron to execute a bash command in a specific path, this would be an example of my command sudo bash/path/file , so my cron job should run that every hour, is it possible to do this in a cron job ?, any help would be appreciated

terdon avatar
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Why do you need `sudo`? What does this script do? You can't use `sudo` in cron, but in order to give a working solution, we need to understand if it is actually needed.
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You'll want to read [`man 5 crontab`]( to learn about the format. And do `sudo crontab -e` to edit **root**'s crontab instead of putting sudo in your crontab.
es flag

That is completely possible. Just add the entry on the crontab file with crontab -e using the correct user. You can also move your script at /etc/cron.hourly. Just take in count that bash files under /etc/cron.hourly will run under root. If you want to run your script under a target user, use the crontab approach and make sure to provide the absolute path of your script and your user can execute the script. e.g

@hourly /my/bash/
0 * * * * /my/bash/
cn flag
thanks for answering, I have some doubts. How can I move my script to the /etc/cron.hourly folder, if I want it to run as root, or what way to do it is more efficient for this case? And another question, my command uses bash, do I have to put the absolute path to bash and also to the file that I want to execute?
Javier Galarza avatar
es flag
Can you provide the command or script that you want to run in cron?
cn flag
It is a command that executes a file to clear the cache, I execute it in the following way inside the folder of my web, where is said file "sudo bash ss-purge-opcache"
Javier Galarza avatar
es flag
Just create a file at `/etc/cron.hourly` : `touch /etc/cron.hourly/update.cache` and put that command inside that file. You do not need to use the `sudo` since that script will run as root. Also, provide the correct permissions `chmod a+x /etc/cron.hourly/update.cache`. You may need to provide absolute path, if that is the case find your absolute path of the command with `which ss-purge-opcache`

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