VPS RAM at 100%, so I researched how to reduce it. Swap was not being used, so I following an online tutorial to enable it.
I made a typo, so I now have a swapfile 2.7KB and swapfle 3.2KB filesystems. I commented out the UUID && swapfle in the /etc/fstab file.
Swapfle is read-only. I cannot delete it and command line says it's not mounted. I can no longer edit the fstab file either bc I get an error "Disk Full."
I would be willing wipe the entire server if I could just access my mysql database. I haven't backed it up in approx 7 days. Web files are backed up.
SOS!!! Can someone please help me.
VERSION: Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS xenial
sudo du / --block-size=MiB --max-depth=1 path | sort -r -n
du: cannot access '/proc/29206/task/29206/fd/4': No such file or
du: cannot access '/proc/29206/task/29206/fdinfo/4': No such file or
du: cannot access '/proc/29206/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/29206/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access 'path': No such file or directory
10858MiB /
1762MiB /var
1386MiB /usr
941MiB /snap
712MiB /lib
109MiB /boot
107MiB /root
15MiB /bin
13MiB /sbin
13MiB /run
10MiB /etc
2MiB /tmp
1MiB /srv
1MiB /opt
1MiB /mnt
1MiB /media
1MiB /lost+found
1MiB /lib64
1MiB /home
0MiB /sys
0MiB /proc
0MiB /dev