You do not need the server to ssh into your pc to send files from the server to your PC. All you need to do is enter what @steeldriver said in his comment (which was to use scp user@server:/path/to/bigfile somewhere/on/pc/
If you still need to ssh into your PC for some reason you could try making sure that OpenSSH server
is installed/installing it.
(These instructions are for Windows, as I am presuming that's what your PC's operating system is by the fact you are using winscp)
Search for Manage optional features
in the start menu, click on the top result -> select Add a feature
at the top of the now open settings page --> type into the search box OpenSSH Sever
--> select OpenSSH Server
--> click install (1)
at the bottom left.
After it has finished installing, you will need to open Powshell as Administrator, and type Start-Service ssh
to start it, or Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic'
to make it startup automatically.
For more information, you can look at Microsoft's tutorial here.
This should allow you to be able to receive SSH connections on a Windows 10 PC.
Make sure that OpenSSH service is allowed through Windows Firewall.
Also, I just wanted to mention that you do not need to use a thirdparty software like winscp to use ssh/scp on Windows, as OpenSSH has been part of Windows for a couple of years now. You can use ssh in the Windows cmd the same way you would in Linux Terminal. (E.g. ssh <user>@<ip-address>