
Why is renaming files with sed and mv printing '$'\r'

ke flag

I am using Ubuntu on a Windows 10 machine. I am trying to rename 5 files (file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt, file4.txt, file5.txt) so that each file is replaced by Sample#_VoucherID.fastq.gz.

To do this, I haver a .csv file that has a format of oldfile,newfile and I am using sed as follows"

sed 's/^/mv -vi /;s/,/ /;s/$//' < File-Rename.csv | bash -e

Whenever I run this, I instead of getting:

Sample#_VoucherID.fastq.gz for each file, I get 'Sample#_VoucherID.fastq.gz'$'\r' instead. Why is this happening? If I use mv just in the Ubuntu terminal to rename files, I get the files renamed as I want, without the ',$,and \ before and after the file name. If I don't use the | bash -e in the file and I remove the quotes, it prints:

mv -vi file1.txt Sample1_VoucherID.fastq.gz

mv -vi file2.txt Sample2_VoucherID.fastq.gz

mv -vi file3.txt Sample3_VoucherID.fastq.gz

mv -vi file4.txt Sample4_VoucherID.fastq.gz

mv -vi file5.txt Sample5_VoucherID.fastq.gz

however, it does not actually run the mv command. How can I rename my files without getting those extra characters?

cn flag
Because the File-Rename.csv file has DOS-style `\r\n` line endings. Use `dos2unix` on it, or do `sed -e 's/\r$//' -e 'your code here'`
hr flag

This is happening because your input file File-Rename.csv has Windows-style CRLF line endings instead of Unix-style LF - the $'\r' is the shell's way of representing the carriage return character.

You can "correct" you command by changing the final sed expression from s/$// (which doesn't actually do anything - $ in a regular expression is a zero-length assertion that matches the end of the line, but doesn't actually consume a character) to s/\r$//

Alternatively, convert the input file using dos2unix

HOWEVER this approach to renaming files is problematic - in particular, it will fail if either the old or new name contains spaces or certain shell special characters - and even permits code injection1. Instead I'd suggest something like

while IFS=, read old new; do 
  mv -vi -- "$old" "$new"
done < <(sed 's/\r$//' File-Rename.csv)


while IFS=, read old new; do 
  echo mv -vi -- "$old" "${new%$'\r'}"
done < File-Rename.csv

(remove the echo once you are happy with the proposed commands).

Note that this approach will itself fail for certain names that are legal within the CSV format - in particular those containing quoted embedded commas ("foo,bar",baz for example).

1 think what happens if someone enters a filename like foo;rm * for example

Justin avatar
ke flag
Thank you! This worked! Just for my knowledge, what did the `s/\r$\\` do? Is it saying to substitute the `CRLF` with nothing? This worked! I don't use spaces, so I used the first suggestion, but I will keep in mind the `while` code you send as well. I appreciate it!
hr flag
@Justin yes that's right - `sed 's/\r$//'` matches a carriage return character `\r` anchored to the end of a line `$` and substitutes nothing in its place. You could probably safely delete *all* carriage returns (for example with `tr -d '\r'`) but the sed version is more formally correct for turning `CRLF` to `LF`
Justin avatar
ke flag
Thank you; that's really helpful because the times I have tried to use `dos2unix` it hasn't helped; so knowing alternative codes like you've given are great. I appreciate you taking the time to explain the code, too!

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