
Add a java application to the gnome menu

mw flag

I have a .jar application and I wanna add it to the gnome menu to run it from there, it must run with root privileges.

I did a file called java_application.desktop in /usr/share/applications. The content of the file:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Java app
GenericName=My java app
Exec=Exec=gnome-terminal -x 'sudo java -jar .tlauncher/TLauncher-2.8.jar'

If I execute the command: sudo java -jar .java_projects/java_app.jar in the terminal it works.

I've followed the suggestion of @jpbrain. Now the terminal opens, asks for the sudo password and the app opens... but closes after some seconds.

Gnome 40, Fedora 34 (I know it's a Ubuntu forum but I think you can help with this as the problem is about Gnome)

jpbrain avatar
ca flag
Hi @Gaspar. I understand sudo will not work within the .desktop file. Elevation of credentials has to be handled by the app.
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
try replacing: Exec=gnome-terminal -x 'sudo java -jar .java_projects/java_app.jar'
evening_g avatar
mw flag
I've updated the question
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
I did checkit. It is a problem with the app itself. It chrashes with sudo. Even if you put that absolute path it loads and then exits. When you do it without sudo it works.
evening_g avatar
mw flag
Thanks, now it works
de flag

Install the software Menu editor. Open the software and click the '+' on the left top corner to add a launcher. Paste the command

sudo java -jar .tlauncher/TLauncher-2.8.jar 

in the empty box against the 'command.' Slide the radio button of 'Run in terminal' to on. On the menu bar, there is a right-pointed triangle icon and that can be clicked to test the launcher. You may change the icon and the description of the software

evening_g avatar
mw flag
It just keeps saying that the program cannot be found...
drpjkurian avatar
de flag
Hmm, that means the path to the executable file is wrong. I have changed the path in the answer.

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