I created this rather complicated code to find the windows i wanted to move to a specific screen determined by the width in mm of the monitor (it will also resize to the correct resolution and set the app fullscreen):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import time
def get(cmd): return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')
def adjust_resolution(name, res): # name = DP-2, res: 1920x1080
get(['xrandr', '--output', name, '--mode', res])
def edit_window(monitor, window_name, function):
print('moving', window_name, 'to', monitor)
get(['wmctrl', '-F', '-r', window_name, '-e', '100,' +
monitor['x'] + ',' + monitor['y'] + ',600,600'])
get(['wmctrl', '-F', '-r', window_name, '-b', function])
def get_monitors():
screendata = [l.split() for l in get(['xrandr', '--current']
).replace('primary', '').splitlines() if ' connected' in l]
monitors = []
for i in range(len(screendata)):
monitor = dict()
[size, x, y] = screendata[i][2].split('+')
monitor = {
'name': screendata[i][0],
'width': screendata[i][-3],
'height': screendata[i][-1],
'size': size,
'x': x,
'y': y
return monitors
def find_element_where(elements, key, value):
return next((item for item in elements if item[key] == value), None)
def window_info_to_dict(info):
_, _, x, y, width, height, _, *name = info.split()
return {'x': x, 'y': y, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'name': ' '.join(name)}
def get_window_info():
return list(map(window_info_to_dict, get(['wmctrl', '-l', '-G']).splitlines()))
# Constants:
main_monitor_width = '256mm'
controller_app = 'name_of_app'
video_player = 'VLC media player'
correct_resolution = '1920x1080'
# Variables:
did_remove_fullscreen = False
while True:
# Get monitors:
monitors = get_monitors()
main_monitor = next(
(monitor for monitor in monitors if monitor['width'] == main_monitor_width), None)
secondary_monitor = next(
(monitor for monitor in monitors if monitor['width'] != main_monitor_width), None)
# print(main_monitor)
# print(secondary_monitor)
# Get windows:
window_info = get_window_info()
controller_app_window_info = find_element_where(
window_info, 'name', controller_app)
video_player_window_info = find_element_where(
window_info, 'name', video_player)
# Check if secondary monitor is the right size:
if secondary_monitor and secondary_monitor['size'] != correct_resolution:
print('Wrong resolution', secondary_monitor)
adjust_resolution(secondary_monitor['name'], correct_resolution)
# print(controller_app_window_info)
# print(video_player_window_info)
if main_monitor:
if controller_app_window_info['x'] != main_monitor['x'] or controller_app_window_info['y'] != main_monitor['y'] or controller_app_window_info['width'] != '1920' or controller_app_window_info['height'] != '1080':
print('Controller app is not positioned correctly')
edit_window(main_monitor, controller_app, 'add,fullscreen')
print('No primary monitor')
if secondary_monitor:
if video_player_window_info['x'] != secondary_monitor['x'] or video_player_window_info['y'] != secondary_monitor['y'] or video_player_window_info['width'] != '1920' or video_player_window_info['height'] != '1080':
print('Video player is not positioned correctly')
edit_window(secondary_monitor, video_player, 'add,fullscreen')
did_remove_fullscreen = False
print('No secondary monitor')
if main_monitor and not did_remove_fullscreen:
edit_window(main_monitor, video_player, 'remove,fullscreen')
did_remove_fullscreen = True
except Exception as e:
print('An error occured', e)