
problem regarding to emergency mode (booting)

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I'm trying to restore default or normla mode on my os, the issue is that running a program I ran out of RAM, when I did the reboot I was delivered to the emergency mode: Stuck in emergency mode and nothing works?

In the above mentioned thread it is mentioned that I should change some lines in /etc/fstab , specifically changing some "00" to "0 0", that was not my case, all the lines appointing to the device's IDs (UUIDs) have a "0 0" string.

then I tried with adding a comment "#" at the line's start of the UUID (on fstab file) that does not appear on the sudo blkid output but cannot figure out which one is lacking.

if it helps Ihave two graphic card drivers (NVIDIA geFORCE and intel7 graphic card drivers)

here is my cat /etc/fstab output cat /etc/fstab output

and here the sudo blkid output sudo blkid output

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