I run a single boot Linux computer. I am fairly new to Linux. It froze yesterday and so I held the off button to force shut it down.
I think the reason it froze was because I may have somehow removed permission to read the root folder.
I didn't think of mentioning this however because if I did do that then it was far too easy to do such a dangerous thing for my computer.
I ran the following command because I wanted to remove my permission to paste files there:
sudo chmod -rwx /
If that is the cause of the problem, maybe it'd be worth putting in backup read and write permissions not even sudo can change.
Anyway, when I turned it back on, I was met with a black screen that showed:
Dev/sda2: recovering journal
Dev/sda2: clean, 369185/30498816 files, 9456082/121965056 blocks
I can not enter GRUB because none of the buttons that may work, do.
I have tried all Ctrl + Alt + Function keys but the only change I can make is to swap between a blinking underscore and the previously mentioned lines.
I know the HDD is not failing because the only reason I switch to Linux as because my old HDD broke and I had to get a brand new one and wanted to try out a new OS. Despite not being able to enter the GRUB menu, sometimes when I try, my laptop will just turn on without outputting any screen.
It may be worth mentioning I removed the screen of my laptop and am currently using VGA to output to a TV. I have tried entering the installation don't boot however to no avail as nothing seemed to happen however I do think it may be worth another try?
Maybe I just didn't wait long enough or something. Even so, I wouldn't know how to progress from there.
Ubuntu version is 20.04.