
Recently tried to install drivers for AMD Radeon HD 6850 on Ubuntu 21.04 - issues post install and unable to solve by uninstalling

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Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

I thought I should update AMD drivers (big mistake after everything I have read now)

My GPU is AMD Radeon HD 6850. I installed the drivers, and started having an issue where my chrome wouldn't render properly (see screenshots). This bug is the same in a number of applications, but I am unsure what not all of them, leading me to be confused at what is causing the issue.

If I disable hardware acceleration for chrome it fixes the issue, but not for other applications.

I have tried uninstalling, reinstalling all installed packages and at every stage its the same. I would rather not have to reinstall everything from scratch but its beginning to look like an easier option.

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What driver are you using? The Radeon or the amdgpu driver?

lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'

Did you install new drivers via the AMD website, or just an apt-udate?

Also this may seem silly but my 6850 sometimes needs a jiggle to make sure its fully connected.


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