
How to force policy-kit agent to show full information about command line arguments

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I am using Ubuntu Mate 20.04 and pkexec to launch apps with admin privileges if needed.

However, when policy agent kit asking to authorize request, there is no enough information to make a decision. For example, if I run

pkexec sh -c 'echo hello'

I'll see this promt:


Note that there is no information about the command I'm trying to execute. So, it would look like the same for dangerous

pkexec sh -c 'rm -rf /'

How can I tweak my setup by configuring or changing agent so I can see more information (e.g. full command line) about action I'm asked to authorize?

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The variable responsible for full command line with arguments is command_line. To change it, one can create a custom policy as man pkexec page suggests.

However, I've ended up editing LC_MESSAGES. My locale is en_US, so I've done these steps:

  1. copied /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/
  2. unpacked it with msgunfmt -o polkit-1.po
  3. edited polkit-1.po
msgid "Authentication is needed to run `$(program)' as the super user"
msgstr "Authentication is needed to run '$(program)' as the super user"


msgid "Authentication is needed to run `$(program)' as the super user"
msgstr "Authentication is needed to run '$(program)' ('$(command_line)') as the super user"

and several similar lines too.

  1. packed it back with msgfmt polkit-1.po -o
  2. put it into /usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/
  3. restarted polkit daemon systemctl restart polkit

And now I can get the full command enter image description here

ov7a avatar
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One minor issue is quotes, but I think it's ok
N0rbert avatar
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You have to report your idea upstream as bug-report or pull-request. Otherwise it will be implemented only on your machine and rest of the world can't use it.
ov7a avatar
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@N0rbert, that's a nice idea, thanks. However, my solution is just a quick hack, not a proper solution. Changing the original message could break language packs (because msgid contains template itself). I think a better place for full command line would be `Details` block.
ov7a avatar
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As for the creating an issue, I've tried to register to freedesktop gitlab with 3 different types of login, and got 500 from each of them. Guess I'll try again later :(
ov7a avatar
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