I've been happily working away on my installation of 20.04 and Cockpit, providing a solid ZFS volume via SMB to my Mac. As it's a headless server I wanted to gain remote access so installed xrdp. It's worked great...however
I rebooted the Ubuntu server and I couldn't connect via Cockpit, SMB or xrdp. I connected via ssh and looked around but couldn't find any issues. As the only thing I had changed was installing xrdp, so I uninstalled it and hey presto...I could connect via Cockpit again.
Unfortunately I still can't get the Mac to connect via SMB.
smbclient shows:
/etc/samba$ smbclient -L localhost
Enter WORKGROUP\scott's password:
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
TimeMachineBackup Disk
Share Disk
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (UbuntuNAS server (Samba, Ubuntu))
BigladZFS_FileServer Disk Comment: /BigladZFS/FileServer
SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available
So it appears to be up. I also have a Windows 10 laptop around and it also can't see the servers shares.
ufw is disabled...
Strangely, attempting to connect from the CLI on the mac shows:
SCOTTS-MAC-PRO ~ % mount -t smbfs smb://XXX:[email protected]/Share ./SMBTEST
mount_smbfs: server connection failed: Operation timed out
It doesn't care about the username or the password...or even the /Share name...just returns the timed out error (in no time at all). Change the ip address and it appears to go and try and find it, then fails.
Where should I start looking?