I'm not a techie but I've come a long way. Maybe someone can help me. Maybe there's just an app to change your fans that I haven't found.
I've looked everywhere for help tools, tips or explanations but I can't find the solution.
How do I set up my fans? Many forums are very old and don't work, in my opinion. Whether it concerns specific hardware such as Dell or IBM. I have an ASUS with 3 connection points with 4 pins. I have connected fans with 4 pins. In the BIOS it is already at its lowest. To be clear, I have an ASUS NOT a Dell or IBM.
In sudo pwmconfig
test I can clearly hear the fans making less noise. Setup is very difficult. When I have done it and save I get the document /etc/fancontrol
When I start systemctl status fancontrol.service
I get:
systemctl status fancontrol.service
● fancontrol.service - fan speed regulator
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fancontrol.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2021-07-09 11:56:51 CEST; 22s ago
Docs: man:fancontrol(8)
Process: 7742 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/fancontrol --check (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Note: Active: failed
Then I went to see what it says in /lib/systemd/system/fancontrol.service
. In it it refers to PIDFile=/run/fancontrol.pid
but it doesn't exist.
Now I'm stuck. I don't know what to do now. Does anyone know what I should do?