I tried to get a script running at startup, but fail.
@reboot /bin/sleep 8s && /bin/bash /home/user/reconnect.sh > /home/user/reconnect.log 2>&1
The script runs fine if I execute it by hand.
# If started as root, then re-start as user "user":
if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then
exec sudo -H -u user $0 "$@"
echo "This is never reached.";
echo "This runs as user $(id -un)";
while [ "true" ]
VPNCON=$(/bin/nmcli con | /bin/grep PureVPN_PPTP | /bin/cut -f18 -d " ")
if [[ $VPNCON != ens3 ]]; then
/bin/echo "Disconnected, trying to reconnect..."
(/bin/sleep 1s && /bin/nmcli con up uuid 1dfcb9f6-1b90-3d92-9f8b-106dc35da0f4)
elif IP=$(ifconfig ppp0 | awk '/inet/{print $2; exit}')
(/bin/sleep 5s)
[ "$IP" != "xxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx" ]; then
/bin/echo "wrong IP: $IP"
(/bin/sleep 1s && /bin/nmcli con down uuid 1dfcb9f6-1b90-3d92-9f8b-106dc35da0f4 && /bin/sleep 2s && /bin/nmcli con up uuid 1dfcb9f6-1b90-3d92-9f8b-106dc35da0f4)
/bin/echo "Already connected !"
/bin/sleep 30
Since the initial post, I have worked a little on the script. It works fine executed manually.
Executed by crone as user I get following error:
This runs as user user
Disconnected, trying to reconnect...
Error: Connection activation failed: Not authorized to control networking.
Somehow the user does with cron not have the same rights as by it selfe. The problem is, when executed as root it fails as well. The credentials for the vpn are stored in the users keyring, so root can't establish the connection:-/