
How to uninstall python 3.9.6

nu flag

I actually have 3 different python interpreters:

  • Python 2.7.8 (I know that 2.7.8 comes with Ubuntu)
  • Python 3.8.10 (I use it for daily python projects)
  • Python 3.9.6 (I don't use it any time)

so I want to get rid of Python 3.9.6

How can I only uninstall Python 3.9.6?

yang mandi avatar
pk flag
How did you install Python 3.9?
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Python is used by several other packages in Ubuntu. You should not change the python version on your installed system or you will create all sorts of problems. If you need to use a different python interpreter, do so within a VM container.
oldfred avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu does not install 2.7 by default anymore. There are one or two old applications that have not been converted & installing those will install 2.7. I will not install any app that wants to install 2.7. Do not change Ubuntu's default version of python. You break things. It used to be total reinstall was only fix, if you removed default python., Now it may be fixed, but not particularly easy.
vanadium avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu 21.04 comes with 93.9.5 so this 3.9.6 has been self installed on 20.04. Indeed, it could be uninstalled depending on how the OP installed it in the first place.
Keval Shah avatar
nu flag
ok Thankyou All

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