
Disk full but I can't find the 85% of the files in Ubuntu server 20.04

cn flag

I've been researching and I can't find these files to do a clean up.

The disk with the issues is /dev/sdc2 where I've installed the SO. It's a 128GB Nvme disk and I'm using just 17GB. I just installed Ubuntu server 20.04 plus a software that is creating some .db files but nothing so big.

I can access this machine only by SSH.

$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev             16G     0   16G   0% /dev
tmpfs           3.2G   83M  3.1G   3% /run
/dev/sdc2       117G  116G     0 100% /
tmpfs            16G     0   16G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs            16G     0   16G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sdb         17T   17T  138G 100% /mnt/hdd02
/dev/nvme0n1    3.5T  5.3G  3.5T   1% /mnt/ssd
/dev/sdc1       511M  7.9M  504M   2% /boot/efi
/dev/sdd2       7.3T  3.6T  3.8T  49% /mnt/hdd04
/dev/sde2       7.3T  4.6T  2.8T  63% /mnt/hdd05
/dev/sda2        15T   15T     0 100% /mnt/hdd01
/dev/sdf2       7.3T  7.3T   11M 100% /mnt/hdd06
/dev/sdg2       7.3T  4.7T  2.7T  64% /mnt/hdd07
/dev/sdh2       7.3T  5.7T  1.7T  78% /mnt/hdd08
/dev/sdi2       7.3T  4.2T  3.2T  58% /mnt/hdd09
/dev/sdj2       7.3T  3.9T  3.5T  54% /mnt/hdd10
/dev/sdk2       7.3T  3.7T  3.7T  51% /mnt/hdd11
/dev/sdl2       7.3T  3.8T  3.6T  52% /mnt/hdd12
/dev/sdm2       7.3T  4.2T  3.2T  58% /mnt/hdd13
/dev/sdo2       7.3T  5.7T  1.7T  78% /mnt/hdd15
/dev/sdn2       7.3T  3.5T  3.9T  48% /mnt/hdd14
/dev/sdq2       7.3T  4.0T  3.4T  55% /mnt/hdd17
/dev/sdp2       7.3T  4.6T  2.8T  63% /mnt/hdd16
/dev/sdr2       7.3T  3.9T  3.5T  54% /mnt/hdd18
/dev/sds2       7.3T  4.3T  3.1T  59% /mnt/hdd19
tmpfs           3.2G  8.0K  3.2G   1% /run/user/1000

sudo du -ahd1 | sort -h
du: cannot access './run/user/1000/gvfs': Permission denied
du: cannot access './mnt/ssd/plot-k32-2021-07-01-23-18-8b5867b65906407b53de3e23620d96179c5c3b84adb62f34ab14d4fb2ed4c3c9.p1.table4.tmp': Input/output error
du: cannot access './proc/8024/task/8024/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access './proc/8024/task/8024/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access './proc/8024/fd/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access './proc/8024/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
0   ./bin
0   ./dev
0   ./lib
0   ./lib32
0   ./lib64
0   ./libx32
0   ./proc
0   ./sbin
0   ./sys
4.0K    ./cdrom
4.0K    ./opt
4.0K    ./srv
8.0K    ./media
24K ./tmp
96K ./root
12M ./etc
83M ./run
150M    ./boot
405M    ./var
3.4G    ./usr
13G ./home
102T    .
102T    ./mnt

$ lsof|grep deleted|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() tracefs file system /sys/kernel/debug/tracing
      Output information may be incomplete.

I've used ncdu as well but the results are the same.


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