
PPP connection made by Sonicwall NetExtender VPN client is dropped on Ubuntu 20.04

ke flag

I'm trying to connect to one of this VPN servers in Ubuntu 20.04 with the last version of the client provided by Sonicwall.

When I connect everything seems to be ok, but I have no access to the internal net of the organisation.

If I do

nmcli monitor

It outputs the following

ppp0: se creó el dispositivo
ppp0: no disponible
ppp0: desconectado

And with nmcli something as you could expect:

ppp0: desconectado
        ppp, sw, mtu 1280

I can do ip a and get this output:

17: ppp0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1280 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN group default qlen 3
    inet X.X.X.X peer X.X.X.X/32 scope global ppp0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

with the state UNKNOWN. And with ifconfig:

        inet X.X.X.X  netmask  destination X.X.X.X
        ppp  txqueuelen 3  (Protocolo punto a punto)
        RX packets 5  bytes 58 (58.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 33  bytes 1899 (1.8 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

The IPs are masked, by I've verified they are correct comparing with a Windows client.

I've tried disabling NetworkManager for this device with no efect. Then I've enabled debugging logs of NetworkManager and got this:

Jul 19 21:01:16 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724876.5423] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): activation-stage: schedule activate_stage5_ip_config_result_6,v6 (id 317)
Jul 19 21:01:16 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724876.5424] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): activation-stage: invoke activate_stage5_ip_config_result_6,v6 (id 317)
Jul 19 21:01:16 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724876.5425] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): ip6-config: update (commit=1, new-config=0x55a82e7432b0)
Jul 19 21:01:16 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724876.5426] platform: (enp2s0) address: adding or updating IPv6 address: fe80::d097:1a59:8045:859a/64 lft forever pref forever lifetime 24-0[4294967295,4294967295] dev 2 flags permanent,noprefixroute src unknown
Jul 19 21:01:16 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724876.5431] platform-linux: do-add-ip6-address[2: fe80::d097:1a59:8045:859a]: success
Jul 19 21:01:17 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724877.9237] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: processing libndp events
Jul 19 21:01:17 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724877.9238] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: received router advertisement at 26
Jul 19 21:01:17 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724877.9239] ndisc[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: scheduling next now/lifetime check: 28 seconds
Jul 19 21:01:17 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724877.9239] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: received router advertisement at 26
Jul 19 21:01:17 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724877.9239] ndisc[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: scheduling next now/lifetime check: 28 seconds
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8714] platform: (ppp0) signal: link   added: 12: ppp0 <NOARP,DOWN;pointopoint,multicast,noarp> mtu 1500 arp 512 ppp* not-init addrgenmode eui64 driver ppp rx:0,0 tx:0,0
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8716] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): constructed (NMDevicePpp)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8716] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): start setup of NMDevicePpp, kernel ifindex 12
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8718] platform-linux: error reading net:/sys/class/net/ppp0/phys_port_id: error reading 4096 bytes from file descriptor: La operación no está soportada
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8719] platform-linux: sysctl: reading 'net:/sys/class/net/ppp0/dev_id': '0x0'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8720] platform-linux: error reading net:/sys/class/net/ppp0/device/sriov_totalvfs: Failed to open file "device/sriov_totalvfs" with openat: No existe el archivo o el directorio
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8721] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): unmanaged: flags set to [platform-init,external-down=0x810/0x810/unmanaged/unrealized], set-unmanaged [external-down=0x800])
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8721] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): unmanaged: flags set to [platform-init,external-down,!by-type=0x810/0x818/unmanaged/unrealized], set-managed [by-type=0x8])
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8722] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): unmanaged: flags set to [platform-init,external-down,!sleeping,!by-type=0x810/0x819/unmanaged/unrealized], set-managed [sleeping=0x1])
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <info>  [1626724881.8729] manager: (ppp0): new Ppp device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/4)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8932] platform-linux: UDEV event: action 'add' subsys 'net' device 'ppp0' (12); seqnum=9829
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8940] platform: (ppp0) signal: link changed: 12: ppp0 <NOARP,DOWN;pointopoint,multicast,noarp> mtu 1500 arp 512 ppp* init addrgenmode eui64 driver ppp rx:0,0 tx:0,0
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8940] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queued link change for ifindex 12
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8944] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): unmanaged: flags set to [platform-init,external-down,!sleeping,!by-type,!user-settings=0x810/0x859/unmanaged], set-managed [user-settings=0x40])
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8945] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): unmanaged: flags set to [external-down,!sleeping,!by-type,!platform-init,!user-settings=0x800/0x859/manageable], set-managed [platform-init=0x10], reason managed)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8945] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update (commit=0, new-config=0x55a82e6c2d50)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8948] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: set IP Config instance (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP4Config/4)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8950] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): queueing DNS updates (1)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8950] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): DNS configuration did not change
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8950] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): no DNS changes to commit (0)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8952] platform-linux: sysctl: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ppp0/disable_ipv6': '0'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8952] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip6-config: update (commit=0, new-config=0x55a82e6a87d0)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8955] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip6-config: set IP Config instance (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP6Config/4)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8957] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): queueing DNS updates (1)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8957] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): DNS configuration did not change
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.8957] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): no DNS changes to commit (0)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9377] platform: (ppp0) signal: link changed: 12: ppp0 <NOARP,DOWN;pointopoint,multicast,noarp> mtu 1280 arp 512 ppp* init addrgenmode eui64 driver ppp rx:0,0 tx:0,0
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9378] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queued link change for ifindex 12
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9652] platform: (ppp0) signal: address 4   added: X.X.X.X/32 lft forever pref forever lifetime 30-0[4294967295,4294967295] dev 12 flags permanent src kernel
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9653] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queued IP4 config change
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9654] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update (commit=0, new-config=0x55a82e6c2c20)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9661] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update IP Config instance (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP4Config/4)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9665] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): queueing DNS updates (1)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9665] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): DNS configuration did not change
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9666] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): no DNS changes to commit (0)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9667] platform: (ppp0) signal: address 4 removed: X.X.X.X/32 lft forever pref forever lifetime 30-0[4294967295,4294967295] dev 12 flags permanent src kernel
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9668] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queued IP4 config change
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9720] platform: (ppp0) signal: address 4   added: X.X.X.X/32 lft forever pref forever lifetime 30-0[4294967295,4294967295] ptp X.X.X.X dev 12 flags permanent src kernel
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9722] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update (commit=0, new-config=0x55a82e6c2c20)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9725] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update IP Config instance (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP4Config/4)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9725] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): queueing DNS updates (1)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9725] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): DNS configuration did not change
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9725] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): no DNS changes to commit (0)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9743] platform: (ppp0) signal: link changed: 12: ppp0 <NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP;pointopoint,multicast,noarp,up,running,lowerup> mtu 1280 arp 512 ppp* init addrgenmode eui64 driver ppp rx:5,58 tx:4,40
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9744] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queued link change for ifindex 12
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9746] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): unmanaged: flags set to [!sleeping,!by-type,!platform-init,!user-settings,!external-down=0x0/0x859/managed], set-managed [external-down=0x800], reason connection-assumed, transition-state)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <info>  [1626724881.9747] device (ppp0): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'connection-assumed', sys-iface-state: 'external')
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9747] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): add_pending_action (1): 'in-state-change'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9748] platform-linux: sysctl: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ppp0/accept_ra': '1'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9748] platform-linux: sysctl: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ppp0/forwarding': '0'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9749] platform-linux: sysctl: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ppp0/hop_limit': '64'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9749] platform-linux: sysctl: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ppp0/use_tempaddr': '2'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9754] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): add_pending_action (2): 'recheck-available'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9761] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): connectivity state changed from UNKNOWN to NONE
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9762] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): connectivity state changed from UNKNOWN to NONE
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9763] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): remove_pending_action (1): 'in-state-change'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9769] platform: (ppp0) signal: route   4   added: X.X.X.X/32 via dev 12 metric 0 mss 0 rt-src rt-kernel scope link pref-src X.X.X.X
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9769] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queued IP4 config change
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9770] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): add_pending_action (2): 'queued-state-change-disconnected'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9770] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queue-state[disconnected, reason:none, id:336]: queue state change
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9770] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): is available, will transition to disconnected
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9770] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): remove_pending_action (1): 'recheck-available'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9771] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queue-state[disconnected, reason:none, id:336]: change state
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <info>  [1626724881.9772] device (ppp0): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'external')
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9772] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): add_pending_action (2): 'in-state-change'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9782] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): add_pending_action (3): 'autoactivate'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9782] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): remove_pending_action (2): 'in-state-change'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9783] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): remove_pending_action (1): 'queued-state-change-disconnected'
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9783] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update (commit=0, new-config=0x55a82e6c2c20)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9785] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update IP Config instance (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP4Config/4)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9785] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): queueing DNS updates (1)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9786] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): DNS configuration did not change
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9786] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): no DNS changes to commit (0)
Jul 19 21:01:21 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724881.9787] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): remove_pending_action (0): 'autoactivate'
Jul 19 21:01:22 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724882.7277] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: processing libndp events
Jul 19 21:01:22 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724882.7279] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: received router advertisement at 30
Jul 19 21:01:22 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724882.7279] ndisc[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: scheduling next now/lifetime check: 24 seconds
Jul 19 21:01:22 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724882.7279] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: received router advertisement at 30
Jul 19 21:01:22 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724882.7280] ndisc[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: scheduling next now/lifetime check: 24 seconds
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0049] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: processing libndp events
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0275] platform: (enp2s0) signal: route   4   added: Y.Y.Y.Y/32 via dev 2 metric 0 mss 0 rt-src rt-boot scope global
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0276] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): queued IP4 config change
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0277] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): ip4-config: update (commit=0, new-config=0x55a82e6c2c20)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0283] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): ip4-config: update IP Config instance (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP4Config/2)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0284] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): queueing DNS updates (1)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0284] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): DNS configuration did not change
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0285] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): no DNS changes to commit (0)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0300] platform: (enp2s0) signal: route   4   added: via dev 2 metric 0 mss 0 rt-src rt-boot scope link
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0302] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): queued IP4 config change
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0303] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): ip4-config: update (commit=0, new-config=0x55a82e6c2c20)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0308] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): ip4-config: update IP Config instance (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP4Config/2)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0309] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): queueing DNS updates (1)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0309] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): DNS configuration did not change
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0309] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): no DNS changes to commit (0)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0363] platform: (ppp0) signal: route   4   added: X.X.X.X/24 via X.X.X.X dev 12 metric 0 mss 0 rt-src rt-boot scope link
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0364] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queued IP4 config change
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0365] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update (commit=0, new-config=0x55a82e6c2c20)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0367] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update IP Config instance (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP4Config/4)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0368] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): queueing DNS updates (1)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0368] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): DNS configuration did not change
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0368] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): no DNS changes to commit (0)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0380] platform: (ppp0) signal: route   4   added: X.X.X.0/24 via X.X.X.X dev 12 metric 0 mss 0 rt-src rt-boot scope link
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0382] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): queued IP4 config change
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0383] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update (commit=0, new-config=0x55a82e6c2c20)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0386] device[ec7347458b1bec22] (ppp0): ip4-config: update IP Config instance (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP4Config/4)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0387] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): queueing DNS updates (1)
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0387] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): DNS configuration did not change
Jul 19 21:01:23 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724883.0387] dns-mgr: (device_ip_config_changed): no DNS changes to commit (0)
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3739] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: processing libndp events
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3740] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: received router advertisement at 33
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3741] ndisc[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: scheduling next now/lifetime check: 30 seconds
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3741] ndisc[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: neighbor discovery configuration changed [G]:
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3743] ndisc[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]:   dhcp-level managed
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3744] ndisc[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]:   hop limit      : 64
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3744] ndisc[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]:   gateway fe80::ee08:6bff:fe5c:738c pref low exp 29,5406
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3745] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): activation-stage: schedule activate_stage5_ip_config_result_6,v6 (id 348)
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3746] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): activation-stage: invoke activate_stage5_ip_config_result_6,v6 (id 348)
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3747] device[62bc60a802291a89] (enp2s0): ip6-config: update (commit=1, new-config=0x55a82e7434d0)
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3748] platform: (enp2s0) address: adding or updating IPv6 address: fe80::d097:1a59:8045:859a/64 lft forever pref forever lifetime 33-0[4294967295,4294967295] dev 2 flags permanent,noprefixroute src unknown
Jul 19 21:01:25 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724885.3752] platform-linux: do-add-ip6-address[2: fe80::d097:1a59:8045:859a]: success
Jul 19 21:01:28 this-machine NetworkManager[11584]: <debug> [1626724888.0721] ndisc-lndp[0x55a82e6c2720,"enp2s0"]: processing libndp events

Where X.X.X.X are IPs that are local to the organisation and Y.Y.Y.Y is the public IP of the provider.

Any insight will be preciated.


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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.