I have a little server running at home, for several years now, but now it have some web apps running, and the old sata hdd drive it's causing some problems, mainly too slow to handle the requests and the pages take some time to update.
So I was thinking in replace this HDD for two SDDs with RAID 1.
The actual SSD has 320Gb, and I want to make a copy sector by sector from this hdd to one of the sdd's and after that look to the RAID question.
There aren't any 320 SSD drives, so the options are to go bigger, 480Gb, but two of those are a little bit to expensive, so I was thinking, in decreasing the current size of the disk to 256Gb, and get two 256Gb SSDs.
Now I have some questions:
1 - Can I really decrease the size, and put the data order in the sectors of the HDD to later use for example dd to copy to the new and smaller SSD drive?
2 - If it's possible, how can I do this task? It worth the trouble?
Starting from the scratch it's not an option, too much stuff in this server to start from a clean installation...
After this, then I'll look for the RAID question, I just want to have a daily backup of the server because of bad experiences that I had with two SSDs...
So the main purpose it's, replace HDD for the SDD for performance reasons, and after that, RAID for security reasons.