First of all, I really want to apologize for any rare questions about Linux and Ubuntu. The thing is I'm practically new to GNU/Linux and the Linux kernel itself. I know pretty much the basis of it. But let's head into the problem.
I've recently updgraded from linux-kernel-5.8.0-55
to linux-kernel-5.8.0-63
because Ubuntu itself showed me that I could upgrade it (using the upgrade GUI, not the CLI).
Everything went fine until I booted into the new kernel version and figured out that I didn't had network connection anymore.
Mi past with this problem and what I've done to solve it:
The same happened before and I just installed kernel 5.8.0-55
using a USB cable connected to my cellphone. I downloaded it from my android device and moved it into my PC.
The question I made here was written with the intention to:
1- Solve this issue.
2- Have a better understanding of what is happening with my PC, how Linux works under the hood and understand what have I done wrong.
I figured out that somehow my network device's drivers are not even being recognised by the distro. How can I solve this? Why is happening every time?
Also, my NVIDIA drivers disappeared too.
What I've tried:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-extra-`uname -r`
Thinking that would reinstall my previous installation. What happened after:
Could not find any package with the regular expression «linux-image-extra-5.8.0-55-generic»
I also searched the web, switched to my other kernel 5.8.0-59
and have the same problem there.
Linux 5.8.0-55-generic #62~20.04.1-Ubuntu