
How to bring up wifi interface automatically on Focal?

jp flag

Using Ubuntu Focal..... I am not able to get the wifi interface to come up automatically on each boot. I don't need dhcpcd.... I just need the wifi device up so I can run wpa_supplicant.

I modified /etc/network/interfaces but to no success:

% cat /etc/network/interfaces 
auto wlp58s0
iface wlp58s0 inet
user535733 avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu Server or Ubuntu Desktop? Also, /etc/network/interfaces was deprecated years ago in favor of [Netplan](
dman avatar
jp flag
This is Ubuntu server
user535733 avatar
cn flag
Then use that Netplan link. It shows you how to setup your network using Netplan YAML. The first section on that page shows you how to apply the changes and bring up your interfaces.
chili555 avatar
cn flag
And after you set up netplan, please revert your changes to /etc/network/interfaces.

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