
Several type of Linux logs collecting, correlation, evaluation and system maintenance

dk flag

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 home-purpose-usage operating system. Sometimes to fine-tuning or look after a problem I need to see some logs and correlate them to other type of logs. I have already realized that several types of logs created continuously: application logs kernel logs, HW device logs operating system logs

I have an intention to collect as many type of logs as I can then consolidate & normalizate them to each -other. My final intention is to create a warning system on the severe error messages either regarding apps, kernel modules, HW drivers, operating system logs.

Please help me to create a local file based system for home purpose users to deal with the problem that I mentioned. I can imagine that some activities like these: Log consolidation, Log management Log normalization We can create for example some shell-scripts (with regular expressions) to evaluate logs and look for the severe things. The SIEM systems do similar activities but at company level, gathering logs via network. My intention is to do the same for a home Linux system locally with free tools. What is your opinion about that?

heynnema avatar
ru flag
Check out `logwatch` or `glogg`.

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