
PostgresSQL dump version recognition Bash script

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I often recreate variuos customer databases on local dockers to test new ERP functionalities in the development environment So, PostgreSQL dump file usually starts with:

-- PostgreSQL database dump

-- Dumped from database version 13.3 (Ubuntu 13.3-1.pgdg20.04+1)
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 13.3 (Debian 13.3-1.pgdg100+1)

Thats why my bash script '' (building temporary docker of the postgresql server appropriate version for dump file handling) starts with:

DUMPFROM=$(grep "^-- Dumped.*from " "$DBDUMP")
DUMPVERSION_inclSpaces=$(grep -o '^-- Dumped from.*(' "$DBDUMP" | grep -o -E '[0-9*.]+[^version]')
DUMPVERSION="$(echo -e "${DUMPVERSION_inclSpaces}" | tr -d '[:space:]')"
# calls 'buildtmpdocker' function to build temporary postgres docker 
buildtmpdocker $REMOTEPGVER 

After direct command './ *.dmp' Seems to be working effectively - it recognises dump version correctly, but maybe there are better ways? Are you used to recognise version inside dump file with Bash script?

muru avatar
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What is the regex `[0-9*.]+[^version]` supposed to be doing according to you?
Andrzej Więcławski avatar
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it finds numbers before 'version' string - example: | $ nano testfile | content: 'asw123version' | after save the 'testfile' | $ grep -o -E '[0-9*.]+[^version]' testfile | result: '123'
Andrzej Więcławski avatar
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it finds ONLY numbers :)
muru avatar
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I don't know how you came up with that, but no, that's not what that regex does. It looks for one or more instances of digits, `*` or `.` followed by anything other than the letters `e`, `i`, `n`, `o`, `r`, `s`, `v`.
Andrzej Więcławski avatar
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So, the conclusion is... What is your opinion? Is my way wrong to get the target: number of PostgreSQL version including points?

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