
nvidia 460 ubuntu revert to generic driver will not allow me to change in gui or command line

za flag

i installed unrelated program (sudo apt update, sudo reboot

now Ubuntu has "reverted"? to generic video driver and will NOT allow me to change to proper nvidia driver either gui or command line sudo apt install ......460

how do i fix this, and any idea how it happen so i can avoid doing it again?

nvidiaX gui panel is blank OTHER than HELP and QUIT buttons

guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've provided no release details, and your question makes little sense to me. You say you installed an *unrelated* program and seem to imply it was with ``sudo apt update` & `sudo reboot` which won't install anything??? Anything done in the last session before your issue maybe *relevant* but you've provided few specifics & what you did provide is confusing. Being specific allows us to better understand & thus help you.

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