
Partially encrypted installation

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Noob alert: slowly ditching windows. Speak slowly.

With that out of the way, I want to install Kubuntu 20.04 on a single dedicated SSD with an encrypted root&swap but I want to keep some free space so that I can add a new partition without encryption to store some VM images (which have already their own encryption).

  • The installer (with the encrypted LVM option) can only use the whole disk with no option to leave some free space.
  • I also search how to shrink encrypted LVM and it looks quite hairy to me.

Is there a simpler way to achieve my goal? Thanks!

in flag

To somewhat answer my own question, I gave a spin to the Debian installer which can do exactly what i want (and much more) with the partitioning and encryption. Then slapped KDE on it and I feel it is close enough to home (Kubuntu).


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